When people plan their tour into Bolivia they frequently ask us about the current safety conditions in Bolivia They are worried about getting robbed, or getting stuck behind road blocks. To be honest, traveling in Bolivia is more adventures than in many other countries and yes, there are realistic risks of getting stuck behind a road block. Although the last few years it is happening less than in the past, the Bolivians still like their protest and road blocks. It is almost part of your cultural experience while traveling in Bolivia. And as for robbery, the risks are just as big, or small as in many countries around the world. However, there is another risk, which is much more likely
The safety in Ecuador is currently a hot topic for travellers who want to visit this beautiful country. So naturally one of the first questions people ask us when they want to book a tour in Ecuador is: “How safe is it to travel in Ecuador?”. They are worried about getting involved in gang violence, getting robbed, or getting stuck in a protest with indigenous people. Although these risks exist, it is not common that tourists in Ecuador get involved in any of them. However, there is another risk, which can affect your holiday in a negative way if you don’t prepare well. This risk is called altitude sickness in Ecuador and start for some travellers already when they arrive
When people plan their tour to Peru they frequently ask us about the safety conditions in Peru. They are worried about getting robbed, or getting stuck in a protest. Although these risks exist, like almost everywhere in the world, most tourists in Peru will not encounter any of these problems. However, there is another risk, which is more likely to affect your holiday in a negative way if you don’t prepare well. This risk is called altitude sickness in Peru. Altitude sickness Altitude sickness is caused by there being less oxygen in the air at higher altitudes. And usually the air is also less humid. Our body needs to make more red blood cells to compensate the lesser amount of
Recently a student who is writing a thesis about promoting tourism in Ecuador asked me: “Why Ecuador?” It is the main goal of her thesis, to find the best way to promote Ecuador as a great tourist destination for Dutch tourists. It is a very interesting question. I love Ecuador, but even after visiting Ecuador for 20 years now, I still don’t know the best way to promote tourism in Ecuador. Why Ecuador struggles to be recognised? Maybe we can answer that question by looking at the way how neighbouring countries Colombia and Peru represent themselves? A good example are the travellers I used to meet in Peru and who were on their way to Colombia. They were often discussing
Who says “Ecuador”, says “Galapagos Islands”, but this is only one of the many tourist destinations in Ecuador. If you ask a random traveller about touristic highlights in Ecuador and he/ she knows where Ecuador is, then they will likely answer: “The Galapagos Islands, the train ride along Nariz del Diablo, the Quilotoa Loop trek, the Saturday market of Otavalo and the active Cotopaxi Volcano. But Ecuador has so much more to offer! Visiting this relative small country is literarily visiting the whole world in a nutshell. From west to east and north to south, you find four different world full of touristic highlights. Below I will mention my own favourite known and lesser known tourist destinations in Ecuador. The
Information about Machu Picchu and joining Machu Picchu Tours: If you want to visit Machu Picchu, but don’t know yet where to start, we can recommend to read the following information about Machu Picchu, so you will be well prepared. The Machu Picchu ticket price to only enter the archaeological site of Machu Picchu is at the moment of writing (February 2024) 152 Soles, around 40 US$. This ticket is only valid for max. four hours and to follow one of the 4 designated walking circuits. To climb either the Huayna Picchu, or Machu Picchu Mountain, you need to buy a special ticket for 200 Soles (around 52 US$)! When you hike the Inca Trail it is NOT possible to
When to travel to Peru? Customers often ask when is the best time to travel to Peru. Although Peru is located in the Southern Hemisphere and its summer falls in our winter, it is often not the best time to travel. This is because summer in Peru corresponds to the rainy season. Especially in the highlands and in the Amazon rainforest. This means that there is a high chance of rain every day. Now a real Dutchman is of course not afraid of a little rain. But when he goes on holiday to Peru, he prefers as little rain as possible. Few people will enjoy navigating the whole day around on Lake Titicaca in the pouring rain. A visit to
Hiking in Ecuador Ecuador is a versatile country and is ideal for beautiful hiking trips. The varied landscapes provide a special experience while hiking. In addition to the beautiful hiking trails that Ecuador offers, the country is also known for its large number of mountains. This makes Ecuador very suitable for mountaineers. But what are the best tours for hiking in Ecuador? Hiking Ecuador and mountaineering in Ecuador Ecuador is about 7 times the size of the Netherlands. It is a fertile country with large differences in height on a relatively small surface. This ensures a wide variety of landscapes, which makes hiking in Ecuador attractive. Those who prefer to climb a mountain can also indulge themselves in Ecuador. There
Soon also in English! Individuele rondreis Peru Bolivia De populariteit van individuele reizen, of solo reizen is de laatste jaren sterk toegenomen en dan kunnen een individuele rondreis Peru en/of Bolivia niet achterblijven. Het zijn beide landen die voor individuele reizigers aantrekkelijk zijn. Opkomst van de individuele reiziger Individuele reizigers behoren tot een steeds groter wordende groep gelijkgestemden. Er zijn verschillende redenen waarom individuele rondreizen in populariteit zijn gestegen. Een belangrijke reden is dat de samenstelling van de samenleving veranderd is. Er zijn steeds meer mensen die alleen wonen. Ook is reizen goedkoper geworden en onze mentaliteit veranderd. Waren mensen vroeger misschien nog wat terughoudend om alleen op reis te gaan vanwege de extra kosten en de angst voor het
Car Rental in Ecuador This article will soon also be in English Een auto huren in Ecuador? Waar moet je rekening mee houden? Na de Corona Crisis is er meer vraag naar rondreizen door Ecuador met een huurauto. Dit is begrijpelijk, want een huurauto biedt meer vrijheid om te reizen waar en wanneer je maar wilt. Maar wat doe je als je de weg kwijtraakt, als er wegblokkades of kleine aardverschuivingen zijn, als je autopech hebt, of nog erger, een ongeluk krijgt? Spreek je Spaans? In dit artikel Auto huren Ecuador zal ik proberen om enkele van deze vragen te beantwoorden. Het verzekeren van een huurauto in Ecuador Om maar meteen met de belangrijkste waarschuwing te beginnen: Ecuador kent (nog)