What is the weather in Peru like? When is the best time to travel to Peru? It are frequently asked questions and the answers will depend on what your travel plans in Peru are. The location of Peru Peru is located on the southern hemisphere. So for those of us who live in the northern hemisphere, the meteorological summer and winter in Peru are opposed to our summer and winter. If you visit the Peruvian coast, especially Lima, during our summer you are likely to encounter grey skies and a chilly, humid climate. However, the other way around, this doesn’t mean that a vacation in Peru is a great way to escape the cold winter in the northern hemisphere. Sun,

When to travel to Peru? Customers often ask when is the best time to travel to Peru. Although Peru is located in the Southern Hemisphere and its summer falls in our winter, it is often not the best time to travel. This is because summer in Peru corresponds to the rainy season. Especially in the highlands and in the Amazon rainforest. This means that there is a high chance of rain every day. Now a real Dutchman is of course not afraid of a little rain. But when he goes on holiday to Peru, he prefers as little rain as possible. Few people will enjoy navigating the whole day around on Lake Titicaca in the pouring rain. A visit to